Switched most under the hood dataframe operations to use the python polars library and many functions now have a parameter return_as_pandas which defaults to False but can be set to True to return a pandas dataframe instead of a polars dataframe. This is a breaking change.
Added **kwargs which pass arguments to the dl_utils.download() function, including headers, proxy, timeout (default 30s), num_retries (default = 15), logger (default = None)
Function espn_cfb_game_rosters() added.
Function espn_nba_game_rosters() added.
Function espn_nfl_game_rosters() added.
Function espn_nhl_game_rosters() added.
Function espn_wbb_game_rosters() added.
Function espn_wnba_game_rosters() added.
Function load_cfb_betting_lines() added (only 2006 through 2019).
Updated loader locations to use sportsdataverse-data releases and nflverse releases
Flattened the returned results somewhat for "sportsdataverse.cfb.espn_cfb_schedule()" functions, but also now including some nested data frame and list columns
Added MLBAM API functionality to the sportsdataverse-py package. For more information on how to use these new functions, refer to the docs.
Fixed a bug where the "sportsdataverse.nfl.load_nfl_schedule()" function would cause a 404 error when run.
For functions where multiple files are loaded in, progress bars have been added to indicate how far along the sportsdataverse-py package is in completing its task(s).
Renamed "sportsdataverse.cfb.cfb_teams()" to "sportsdataverse.cfb.get_cfb_teams()" to avoid an edge case issue when running the function.